In December 2022, Mongolians took to the streets of Ulaanbaatar en masse for over a week of protests. The immediate cause was allegations of corruption in Mongolia’s coal industry, but the demonstrations became intertwined with general concerns about Mongolia’s economy, inequality, and lack of opportunities for young people. Also at play were larger political battles playing out between the ruling and opposition parties, and within the ruling party itself.
With such a dramatic end to 2022, what should we expect from Mongolian politics in 2023? In case you missed our live discussion on January 17, you can check out the recording here. Featuring Anand Tumutogoo, a Mongolia-based journalist; Bolor Lkhaajav, researcher and regular columnist for The Diplomat; and Dr. Julian Dierkes, associate professor at the University of British Columbia.
Mongolia: Politics and Protests in 2023
Source: Frappler