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Where Are Australia-China Relations Headed?

Since a new Labor government in Australia was installed in May 2022, there have been signs of a thaw in Australia-China relations. That includes a top-level meeting between Prime Minister Anthony Albanese and President Xi Jinping; the resumption of ministerial visits; and the removal of some of the tariffs China had imposed on Australian goods. At the same time, however, Australia’s new government continues to advance its participation in AUKUS and the Quad, both of which are viewed as countering China.

How far can the Australia-China thaw go, and what lies ahead for the relationship?

Featuring Dr. Michael Clarke, a Senior Fellow at the Centre for Defence Research at the Australian Defence College and an Adjunct Professor at UTS:ACRI. Dr. Jennifer Hsu, a Research Fellow in the Public Opinion and Foreign Policy Program at the Lowy Institute. Dr. Zhongzhou Peng, a post-doctoral researcher at the School of International Relations and Public Affairs, Fudan University; and moderated by Shannon Tiezzi, The Diplomat’s editor-in-chief.

Where Are Australia-China Relations Headed?
Source: Frappler

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